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Raven van Baak | Tell me why
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Tell me why

A fictional design symposium created for both business and designers. It educates both parties about why business needs design and vice versa, and how to deal with each other. The event is held in one day; it starts with separate speakers for business and design, and ends in a combined workshop and network gathering afterwards. This way, the event is both educational and functional, as some great connections may be formed at the end of the day.

The identity is based on the gap that currently exists between the two industries. It tries to fill that gap by clarifying that they both exchange and improve one another. It’s always better together. The pattern is made using the different shapes and blending them into one another, creating an interesting new form, which is different in every step and has its own identity, but is still retraceable to the original shapes. The posters add to this, by being perfectly fine as single, free-standing prints, but once they are connected, they make a whole and become stronger and more provoking.

